Order completed

Offers are no longer accepted. The customer has accepted offer from ООО "Старт Групп" / ИП Ананьев Эдуард Валерьевич.
Order №1895824

Adult products are required for sale on …

Adult products are required for sale on the marketplace. Toys, costumes, and so on. The price segment is low, medium. The purchase amount is 50,000 rubles ($500), on an ongoing basis. Please provide a price list of the products. We consider offers from suppliers all over Russia, China and Kazakhstan. Delivery to Samara and Moscow, a more precise location is discussed directly.
Additional data:

Ценовой сегмент - низкий и средний. Сумма закупки - 50 000 рублей, на постоянной основе. Просьба предоставить прайс-лист продукции. Предложения от поставщиков рассматриваем по всей России. Поставка в г. Самара и г. Москва, более точное место обсуждается напрямую

Looking for suppliers from
Akmola region
Almaty oblast
Volga Federal district
Samara oblast
The North-Western Federal district
Central Federal district
Deliver to

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