Wholesale orders
Orders for the wholesale purchase of goods, services and the search for suppliers are published here. You can post offers for orders or place your own.
Purchase amount ($)
- Food, beverages216806
- Construction and finishing materials99036
- Clothes. Footwear. Toys96930
- Metals82028
- Household goods, packaging, office61394
- Health and beauty37542
- Auto supplies and car service36674
- Consumer goods and specialty stores34444
- Polygraphy. Advertisement27235
- Electronics and electrical engineering26501
- Textile. Interior items24885
- Industrial equipment and tools23656
- Transport and trucking20462
- Chemicals and Fuel19788
- Equipment and tools19543
- Sport. Tourism. Rest18873
- Computers. Household and office equipment18069
- Goods and services for animals15666
- Furniture and fittings12482
- The goods for the garden10442
- IT. Internet. Connection9226
- Construction. Realty. Repair4308
- Safety and security1941
- Legal, financial and business services447
- Art and culture377
- Leisure and entertainment322
- Utilities268
- Work. Study38
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